ORIGINE : Nord de l'Angleterre
Join hands in a crcle round the room, the man having his partner on his right.
1. All in to the centre 4 steps and out again returning to place. (8)
2. Repeat part 1. (8)
3. Take your partner in a Ballroom hold and take 2 sides steps into the circle and 2 out again. (8)
4. Quick dance round. (4)
5. Promenade partner round the room in an anticlockwise direction. (4)
6. Men move on to the lady in front of them. (4)
7. Balance. (Face partner and kick to the left with right foot, then kick to the right with left foot, and then repeat.) (8)
8. Swing partner, and start dance again. (4)
- In 2 3 4 Out 2 3 4
- In 2 3 4 Out 2 3 4
- Ballroom Hold
- Out again
- Cuick dance round.
- Promenade
- Men move on to the lady in front
- Balance
- Swing
- Start again

Source : Folk Dancing for Fun